[ 1 ] Digimon [PSP]

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After entering the world Digital World ourselves (taiga) Wake Forest Railway (Railroad<br>
Plains) met with Agumon to ask the name we (we named us. Set once can't solve) later<br>
Agumon will give us a nickname for, then we'll see Gabumon was dark domination, and<br>
we have to fight. It is introduced how to fight with it (and best) now that, and let us go<br>
into File City (forward) when I came in, you will see Agumon. Introduce the city and<br>
then walk up to see Gigimon Badomon and conversation, then move on to เจอบ้ work Jijimon (we can take Pass. Word fill out the computer at home Jijimon), and we will<br>
walk into the house to talk to Jijimon when finished out Agumon will give us Log. To<br>
see Mail enough, we can explore the city, on the left of the city are Botamon with<br>
Koromon butcher (we can invests his money selling meat and Botamon). North of the<br>
city will be Collosseum but we still are unable to Arena (must have come to the city<br>
Graymon) right cities are the hospital. Go to see Angemon. We can get Digimon treatment if symptoms of tired or ill. In the middle of the town is the home with signs<br>
Tokemon we can get Digimon trained here are trained at คือใน Colosseum when walk<br>
to the left. There will be Koromon. The home row Jijimon have shop of Tokomon. Can<br>
buy Hp?