Levaunt's Derivation RPG is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
You are not allowed use any of these textures in your own, or remix, pack; even if you've edited them! You also cannot re-upload this pack on any other website, or claim it is your own work. No exceptions to any of these!
You may edit these textures if you are creating mod support for this texture pack. So long as you do not use an adfly or similar link for the download.
You may use this pack in a video or screenshots, credit is appreciated but not required.
You may include this pack in a download with a map of your creation or adventure map, so long as it is not edited or remixed with another pack. Credit IS required in this case.
This pack requires MCPatcher or Optifine to run properly. It is also suggested you use at least the following settings: HD Textures, HD Font, Connected Textures, Random Mobs, Custom Colors, Better Skies.
Derivation needs mod support! If you would like to help out and create textures for a mod, they could be posted here with full credit. Help make Derivation a widely used pack for all to enjoy!
Currently all Mod Support downloads are just image files. You will have to place them in their correct locations to overwrite the mods existing files.
Better Than Wolves

(Kindly updated by Kezza/Orc17)
Elemental Arrows

Simple Ores


+ Texture Packs +
Last Updated: December 20, 2012
(+ พลังน้ำใจและคอมเม้นท์ด้วยน่ะ+)

แก้ไขครั้งสุดท้ายโดย Urena เมื่อ 2013-2-2 09:14
แก้ไขครั้งสุดท้ายโดย Urena เมื่อ 2013-2-2 09:19
Derivation RPG (v5.1) (BTW Supported!) [ มายคราฟ 1.4.7/1.4.6/1.4.5 ]