ไปเอามาจากฝรั่งได้รึเปล่าไม่รู้นะ ผมยังไปไม่ถึง
Anyone get through the jail gym yet? One of the prisoners is asking for something and won't let me by. No idea what.
1) He first asks you to bring him a Normal type girl (ex. macho girl, yankee girl)
2) He asks for a "differently colored" girl. Bring him a shiney girl (shinies will have a sparkle icon on the right side of the window in the PC)
3) He asks for an item. *blank* Drink. It's the 5th item from the shop when buying from the female cashier.
4) He asks for ごきげんアッタク. This can also be bought at the shop. ***You can proceed forward after this request***
5) I can't read what he wants for this request. Some kind of girl. Seems like I had what he wanted though.
6) He asks for a "pregnant girl". Not sure if the pokegirls can get pregnant or if there's a pregnant looking one in later areas.
This quest chain cannot be cleared until end of the game, so there's no point wasting time in it this early.
6) He asks for a "pregnant girl".
7) Bring a Lv45 gal
8) Bring a legendary gal (Chronosu) - Post Game Clear
9) 50k