Can either watch the prologue or not. Not watching it won't affect your game, but might as well watch it if you're playing for the first time.
Once you have control with your character, go north, and open the treasure box.
After the scene, go inside the house.
You'll get into a fight, you must win this to progress.
End of prologue
-Once you have control again of your character, go to the middle east and talk to the girl sitting on the bench, she'll give you a map if you choose first option.
-Go inside the weapon store, and talk to the blacksmith. Keep an eye on your weapon. It wears over time (base amount is 150), if it reaches 0, your blade breaks, and will barely do any damage. To get it fixed after it breaks costs $300, but only $150 before, so try not to wait till your blade breaks to get it fixed.
-East of the weapon shop is a blue haired npc. Talk to her everytime you want to repair your clothes for free.
-Go to the hospital after then talk to the npc behind the reception desk, you'll get a talisman, so whenever you die, you get teleported back here instead of a game over.
-At the northen most, a bit east area of the map, behind the church is the bank/jail. It's a good idea to deposit your money here, and make sure you don't have more than $300 on your person before you die, to get the hospital hscenes. All in all, you will eventually want to have save atleast $14,650:
$10,000 for a G-ball
$1,500 for best ring (Will need 5 rings)
$3,000 for best necklace (Will need 3 necklaces)
$150 for 3 ropes.
I'll tell you when you'll need the necessary money, but since it's fairly hard to farm money in this game without whoring yourself, try to be thrifty.
-If you go inside the church, head to the altar and click the sparkly dot. You'll end up in the hscene gallery. Some hscenes will change depending if you're a virgin/non-virgin and hp level.
-Some stuff you need to know when during battles:
-In the inn, you can recruite a mercenary for $100. He's the one sitting by the bar, at the far right. You can't control mercenaries but they can't be damaged/killed and you can only have 1 mercenary at a time. Also, beware of taking male mercs (the ones from the first and the third town) to the moon tower. The succubus mobs in that area can charm them, causing them to turn hostile towards you and grope/rape you depending on your clothing. Also, if you die/go to sleep, you will lose the mercenary you hired and will have to rehire him again. There are 3 types of mobs you can encounter, one with blue eyes (just does regular attacks), one with yellow eyes (have grope attacks) and one with red eyes (have rape attacks). Grope and rape attacks can only occur if you're down to your undies. Also, during battle and while a virgin, if you use your sword as an item, you'll recover 10% of your mp, which is really useful when trying to save money. Also, as a virgin, you get 2 very strong sword skills, forgot what levels you get them, but you lose them the moment you lose your virginity, so it's better to try to save your chastity as long as you can.
-Now exit the south east exit of the town, and keep heading east till you see a cave. Feel free to grind abit. While you're at it, the moment your clothes get damaged enough that you're only wearing your undies, go back to town, and talk to the old geezer sitting south of the inn. Choose first option to let him grope you (#29). You'll get a necklace(1)(prevents critical hits) item afterwards. Equip it for now.
-Once ready, head into the cave, go down the ladder, and once you're in the floor with mobs, head directly south and kill the first mob you see. It should be some kind of pink zombie with a sword. Kill it and you'll get a key. Explore the area until you get to the north east corner of the map, where you'll see a male and female npc. A fight start when you get close enough, win this fight to progress. Note: if you approach wearing only your undies, you'll get a groping scene before the fight, doesn't affect your hlevel though.
-Talk to the female npc. In the previous versions, you're supposed to get a secondary storage level with 50 item capacity, but as of v1.22, this appears to be broken.
-Exit the cave, keep heading east. You'll encounter fairly stronger mobs here, so feel free to just run away. Once you reach a bridge with a skeleton npc in the middle, stop there, and just grab the ring(1)(prevents blind) north west of it.
-Now head back west one screen, then north when you can. Now keep heading north till you see a very narrow path. Entering will result a fight, which you MUST win. No second tries here.
-After the fight, head south west. You'll see a bridge with a big mob on it. Save, and try to beat it. If you win, you'll get the increase power skill. This skill can be stacked up to 3 times and it stacks with your sword skills. You can kill a fair amount of higher level mobs with this and some luck. If you can't beat it, can always go back for it later, but try to get this skill asap.
-Keep heading west again. On the map before you enter the first town, head north west and you'll again encounter a fight with the masked man. Same as the first one, you MUST win this fight, no second tries. After winning, you'll get the thunder book. If you're having a hard time, you may have to grind a bit.
-After the fight, enter the town, and head directly south to a treasure chest. You will be able to open it with the key we got from the cave. It will give you the water book.
-Check your h level. If it's atleast 23, while fully clothed, head to the inn and go to sleep. Choose first option to wander during the night and exit the inn. Head to the harbor and you'll hear a cat meow. Head north west to free the cat then you'll get attacked. After the fight, choose first option for a scene (#11). Go back to sleep after. Once it's day again, exit the town at the south east exit. You'll see the cat. Follow it and you'll be rewarded with gold, which sells for $500.
-You should now be fairly strong enough to fight decently in the arena. It has 2 entrances, south of the weapon shop or east of the shower stall. Keep fighting until you win against the 3rd opponent, which will give you a fire book. After getting the book, talk to the red headed npc wearing glasses at the south east of the arena. Once you have control again, while fully clothed, talk to him again and choose first option. During the scene, take note the places which the npc "clicks" to turn off the alarms, you'll need this later (#24).
-Now head back to town and exit the middle east exit. Head east till the next zone, head north after, to King Crab Mountain or something.
-While here, make sure you kill a few mobs, you'll need it later. Also, you'll find 2 ropes total while exploring the area. Use them on the wooden posts to make easier access through the mountain later.
-In the cave where you get the 2nd rope, exit at the far east exit, you'll come across another big npc. Save. Approach it, if it just wants to challenge you, then don't fight it and kill more regular mobs, if its mad and wants to kill you, that's what we want, fight it. It will have 2 forms, so beware. If you can't kill it, can come back for it later. You'll get the Gale Sword skill when you beat it.
-Near the top, you'll come across another ring(2), the poison proof ring. Now cross the bridge to the second town.
-Once inside the town, head behind the inn toward the sparkling dot for $30, then head to the item shop, and buy 3 ropes.
-Inside the inn, you can recruit a new mercenary here for $150.
-Head east and go inside the hotsprings. Grab the pickaxe then exit.
-Now head east and talk to the red head npc talking to a dog twice.
-Head inside the house after and go towards the door. Talk to the red head npc after and choose first option.
-Exit and head to the northeast house and enter.
-Talk to the female npc wearing a headband(Alisa) twice and choose first option.
-Now go to the inn and sleep.
-Talk to Alisa again.
-Head south into the forest, and explore till you reach the north west corner, where you'll see a unique npc beside a skeleton. Kill it to progress.
-Return to town, once you can move again, talk to Alisa again. Choose first option.
-Head back to the first town, you may want to go through King Crab Mountain again to use 2 of your 3 ropes. Don't bother going inside the new cave near the 2nd town zone, can't go further till you get the jump shoes.
-OPTIONAL: Don't have to do this now but it will help your game in the long run. Once you exit King Crab Mountain, head east instead until you zone into the forest. You may have to run away instead of fighting mobs if you're not strong enough. Keep heading east until you reach a big pond with a big npc. Save and try to beat it. If you win, you get the paralyze edge skill, fairly useful. If not, can always come back for it. Now south east of the mob is another ring(3), anti-sleep. Now head north until you see a path blocked by a boulder. Since you have a pickaxe now, you can destroy it and head north. You'll eventually see a necklace(2) which gives you hp regen, most useful necklace of the 3 in my opinion. Now, go back to the first town.
-Back in the first town, head to the mayor's house and talk to the maid npc outside. After that, head to the jail and talk to the bald npc behind prison. Choose first option, then head to the little room at the south east corner and click on the table to get a key. Free the bald npc, then exit.
-Head to the north east corner of town and talk to the bald npc. Choose first option.
-It's a fairly linear dungeon, explore until you zone into the mansion.
-Now inside the mansion, remember the places the guy with the glasses "clicked" to disarm the alarms. They are between 2 posts, and you'll get a choice when you click on them, choose first option to disarm the alarm for that floor. If you fail to do this, the alarm will sound if you try to pass any doors and it's very likely you'll get caught, which we don't want at this moment.
-In the second floor, head to the very north west room to get a key. Then head to the room where you got drugged and click on the sparkly dot to get an item. Then go south and click on the sparkly dot to get the mirror. Don't bother with the chests, afaik, they can't be opened.
-Now exit the town at the middle exit, then head north east to reach a path blocked by a boulder, head through and go north.
-Continue heading north, you may notice a ring lying around the area, but ignore it for now. Keep heading north. You'll also encounter another big npc. Fight it and if you win, you'll get the large defense skill. If not, can come back for it later. Continue north.
-Feel free to talk to the skeleton npc to buy a feather that transport you to this tower. I don't recommend it though, cause once we're done with this area, no point coming back, other than for grinding if needed.
-Inside, near the middle, you see torches, four in total. You need to light them up. There are 2 ways to light them. First and easy way is to have the fire book equipped, and you'll have the option to use it on the torches. Second is to kill mobs to get them to drop matches. Then use the match to light the torch. Once you light all four, a new path will appear in the middle of the map.
-In the next level, try to get to the south middle of the map. Be careful treading this area as you can fall from ledges. You'll see a pair of shoes guarded by an npc. Kill the npc and get the shoes. You can now jump across 1 square gaps, or down ledges. Now head to the north middle part of the map and step on the red button. A new path should open to a stairway leading up. In the next level, try to get to the south west part of the map to get to a key. Once you get the key, you can now open the doors. Head to the north west corner to get the silent proof ring(4), then go to the next floor up.
-Head to the very south middle part of the map and pull the switch to turn off the traps. Now head to the next floor up.
-In this floor, open the closest chest for a phoenix feather, then grab the red orb, and open the chest beside it for $100. The chest at the north is a mimic. Now head back to the zone before the tower, where we saw the ring that we couldn't get. There's actually a hidden zone in the middle of the area, behind the small stone "cliff". Go inside for a gold. Head out again and east a bit. Jump down the ledge to get the paralysis proof ring(5). You should now have all 5 rings, make sure you hold on to all of them. Head back to the second town.
-OPTIONAL: Don't have to do this now, but it's a little helpful if you do. Remember that cave near the second town zone, head inside. It's fairly linear, explore until you reach a big npc. Beat him and you'll get the poison edge skill, also fairly useful. Now go back to the second town and the hotsprings is back in business. Enter the women's bath, click on the sparkly dot to remove clothes and go in the water near the rock, a scene should start (#44). After the scene, you'll either get a slight increase in hp or sp.
-Now head back to the forest south of the second town and head south east towards a path blocked by a boulder, go through.
-Head east/north east, and keep going until you cross a bridge, head north west and you'll come across a necklace(3) which cuts sp consumption to 2/3. Now head west and push the box down the river, to makes a path back. Take this path, and keep going south/south west, and once you reach the small pond where you came from, head east zone. Keep heading east until you zone out of the forest.
-Keep heading east, past a cave towards a narrow path heading north. You'll see a red eye npc. Attack it. During the battle, an npc(Oscar) will join you, and once the mob is dead, he'll let you challenge him. Win and you'll get the multiple slash skill, which is about on par with the second virgin sword skill. Lose and you'll get an hscene, but won't lose your virginity (#47).
-Now head north and you'll zone into the third town.
-Talk to the npc east of the pub, and he'll combine the 5 rings you have for $1,500. Do so if you can afford it to free up some space. Talk to him again after and he'll combine the 3 necklaces for you for $3,000. Do so if you can afford it.
-Now go sleep in the inn, when you wake up, you'll notice the lithograph is missing (supposed to be your secondary pouch). Head out and talk to the green npc south of the inn. He'll run away. Follow him outside town.
-Go back to where you challenged Oscar, he should be back there now. Win and you'll get the counter skill, which is very useful. Lose and you'll get another hscene (#48). Lose again and you'll get another hscene (#49). There are a total of 3 hscenes with Oscar, just keep losing to him (#47)(#48)(#49). You won't lose your virginity with the said scenes so can pick it up now if you want.
-Now head south west until you see a path blocked by a boulder. Go through, and flip the switch near the end to gain access to a cave. Go through. Talk to the sleeping npc. A fight will ensue, a fairly easy one so should be no problem winning. Talk to npc again after the fight and click on the crystal looking thing by the table. Exit after and head south.
-You will zone into a small port that's being ravaged by a giant squid. Save and fight it. Once you beat it, you'll get the dispel edge skill. You can now take this ship back to the first town and vice versa. Zone out and zone back in, and you'll notice an npc beside a treasure chest. Talk to him and choose the ??? option. Talk to him again, and now you'll see the ??? is replaced by an item worth $10,000. You'll need to buy that so start saving up for it.
-Now head back to the forest and you'll see the green npc. Follow him into the forest.
-Keep hugging the south wall, and you'll eventually zone into a dead end area where you'll see the thief. Approach him and you'll get a scene (#50), and once you have control of your character, pick up the bag he leaves behind.
-Remember the area where you pushed the box down the river, to make a path, near the third necklace? Head back there, and once you reach that area, head west. Continue west hugging the north wall. On the east/west branch, take the west branch for $100 then go east. You'll then reach a north/south branch, go south for a scene.
-You'll see masked man again, but no fight this time.
-Head back north to a new zone, then enter the tower. You may want to talk to the skeleton by the entrance and buy a feather. The first floor is similar to the first tower, where you have to light the torches. Head to the next level.
-The next level is pretty straigh forward, just try to get to the north most part of the map. Don't forget to flip the switch to open the door for easier access later before you head up.
-In this level, just need to try to get to the middle area to head up.
-In this level, ignore the cart for now, but follow the tracks. Everytime you see a switch, flip it. There should be 3 in total. After the third switch, go north for a treasure chest and drop down the hole. Grab the treasures and click on the hole to get out, you'll find yourself in the 2nd level. Work your way back up to the 4th.
-Now ride the cart. You'll enter a new area with a boss of some sort. Defeat it for the light book. Can come back for it later if you can't kill it. Head back out after and head south abit then east to the next level. The west chest is a mimic, everything else is safe. Head back to the third town after.
-Head north until you see an npc beside some stairs. Go down the stairs. Keep heading north until you see a narrow path with 2 paths on each side bearing a sun and moon picture. Click on both, choosing first option each time. Take the middle path and zone into the next level.
-Flip the switch on the north east, and go to the south east to the next level
-Head south west, and enter the room second from the left, it should have 2 pillars that aren't damaged beside it. Click on the crystal and choose first option, kill the mob, and open the chest. You'll get the prayer bead.
-If you haven't, now is the time to farm that $10,000, once you have it, head back to the small port south of the third town and buy the item from the merchant that costs $10,000. Now go back to the lab with the sleeping npc. Talk to him to get the g-ball.
-Head back to the moon tower, use the feather you bought from the skeleton if you did, or just walk back. Now remember where you got that third scene with the masked man? Zone east from there. Now head down the ladder. Use your third rope to get down. Area is pretty straight forward, explore until you reach what looks like an underground establishment.
-Head north then east and enter the room.
-You'll meet masked man again and learn his true identity! He'll then give you a key.
-Now is a good chance to sell off some unimportant stuff to convert it to money, cause in a new game+, only your level and your money is imported. To head back out, take the north stairs to zone out. Go south at the next area, and you'll exit out of the locked door beside the entrance to the dungeon. Head back to any town to sell your stuff, and just take this shortcut back after.
-Head back now take the middle path to the north till you reach a big door. Enter and head north. After the scene head north and when given a choice, choose the 2nd option to use the prayer bead. Now fight the last boss.
-Use the G-ball right from the start, and just pummel him with charge power x3 + maiden slash. Beat him and you get End 1.
-It will ask you if you want to use this game as basis for a new game+. Choose first option. We are now ready for our non-virgin run.
To make this a little easier, we will try to save our heroine's chastity as long as possible, and thus majority of this will be the same as the virgin route, except we'll be grabbing scenes as we go. Make sure your hlevel doesn't exceed 150 at any time unless stated otherwise.
-Start new game, choose first option to use our previous save for new game+
-Skip the prologue
-Once you have control again of your character, go to the middle east and talk to the girl sitting on the bench, she'll give you a map if you choose first option.
-Go inside the weapon store, and talk to the blacksmith. Keep an eye on your weapon. It wears over time (base amount is 150), if it reaches 0, your blade breaks, and will barely do any damage. To get it fixed after it breaks costs $300, but only $150 before, so try not to wait till your blade breaks to get it fixed.
-East of the weapon shop is a blue haired npc. Talk to her everytime you want to repair your clothes for free.
-Go to the hospital after then talk to the npc behind the reception desk, you'll get a talisman, so whenever you die, you get teleported back here instead of a game over.
-Exit the hospital and talk to the blonde npc directly south. We'll call this guy nampa guy.
-Go east and enter the small shed which is a shower room. Click the blinking dot to undress and then use the shower (#16). Click the dot again to dress up then exit. Use this shower everytime that it lets you, until you get the scene where she feels like she's being watched.
-At the northen most, a bit east area of the map, behind the church is the bank/jail. It's a good idea to deposit your money here, and make sure you don't have more than $300 on your person before you die, to get the hospital hscenes. All in all, you will eventually want to have save atleast $14,650:
$10,000 for a G-ball
$1,500 for best ring (Will need 5 rings)
$3,000 for best necklace (Will need 3 necklaces)
$150 for 3 ropes.
I'll tell you when you'll need the necessary money, but since it's fairly hard to farm money in this game without whoring yourself, try to be thrifty.
-If you go inside the church, head to the altar and click the sparkly dot. You'll end up in the hscene gallery. Some hscenes will change depending if you're a virgin/non-virgin and hp level.
-Some stuff you need to know when during battles:
-In the inn, you can recruite a mercenary for $100. He's the one sitting by the bar, at the far right. You can't control mercenaries but they can't be damaged/killed and you can only have 1 mercenary at a time. Also, beware of taking male mercs (the ones from the first and the third town) to the moon tower. The succubus mobs in that area can charm them, causing them to turn hostile towards you and grope/rape you depending on your clothing. Also, if you die/go to sleep, you will lose the mercenary you hired and will have to rehire him again. There are 3 types of mobs you can encounter, one with blue eyes (just does regular attacks), one with yellow eyes (have grope attacks) and one with red eyes (have rape attacks). Grope and rape attacks can only occur if you're down to your undies. Also, during battle and while a virgin, if you use your sword as an item, you'll recover 10% of your mp, which is really useful when trying to save money. Also, as a virgin, you get 2 very strong sword skills, forgot what levels you get them, but you lose them the moment you lose your virginity, so it's better to try to save your chastity as long as you can.
-You should now be fairly strong enough to fight decently in the arena, thanks to new game+. It has 2 entrances, south of the weapon shop or east of the shower stall. Keep fighting until you win against the 3rd opponent, which will give you a fire book. After getting the book, talk to the red headed npc wearing glasses at the south east of the arena. Once you have control again, while fully clothed, talk to him again and choose first option. During the scene, take note the places which the npc "clicks" to turn off the alarms, you'll need this later (#24).
-Try the arena again and try to beat the 4th round. If you do and you've gotten the scene in the shower where she feels like she's being watched, a blue haired npc will appear in the south west corner of the arena. Talk to him and he'll say he dropped a key. The key will be in the north east corner of the arena. If you can't beat the fourth round yet, come back for it later.
-Now exit the south east exit of the town, and keep heading east till you see a cave. Feel free to grind abit. While you're at it, the moment your clothes get damaged enough that you're only wearing your undies, go back to town, and talk to the old geezer sitting south of the inn. Choose first option to let him grope you (#29). You'll get a necklace(1)(prevents critical hits) item afterwards. Equip it for now. Now go to the inn, and talk to the guy at the north east corner. You'll get a groping scene. Also, feel free to keep losing, but make sure you have less than $300 the first two times, then $700 the third time, to get 2 hscene from the hospital (#6)(#7). Make sure you don't pay your debt at all, we'll eventually get a third scene way later in the game (#8). Also, you may notice by the south east exit, you'll see nampa guy with a female npc, go closer to watch a scene. Everytime you come back to this town, check this area for nampa guy and his escapades. Keep watching as long as he's with a female npc, there should be 3 in total. Blonde(#1)->Green hair(#2)->Blue hair(#3). Once you see him standing there by himself, do not approach! You'll get a scene if you do and you'll lose your virginity (#4), which we don't want atm.
-Once ready, head into the cave, go down the ladder, and once you're in the floor with mobs, head directly south and kill the first mob you see. It should be some kind of pink zombie with a sword. Kill it and you'll get a key. Explore the area until you get to the north east corner of the map, where you'll see a male and female npc. A fight start when you get close enough, win this fight to progress. Note: if you approach wearing only your undies, you'll get a groping scene before the fight, doesn't affect your hlevel though.
-Talk to the female npc. In the previous versions, you're supposed to get a secondary storage level with 50 item capacity, but as of v1.22, this appears to be broken.
-Exit the cave, keep heading east. You'll encounter fairly stronger mobs here, so feel free to just run away. Once you reach a bridge with a skeleton npc in the middle, stop there, and just grab the ring(1)(prevents blind) north west of it.
-Now head back west one screen, then north when you can. Now keep heading north till you see a very narrow path. Entering will result a fight, which you MUST win. No second tries here.
-After the fight, head south west. You'll see a bridge with a big mob on it. Save, and try to beat it. If you win, you'll get the increase power skill. This skill can be stacked up to 3 times and it stacks with your sword skills. You can kill a fair amount of higher level mobs with this and some luck. If you can't beat it, can always go back for it later, but try to get this skill asap.
-Keep heading west again. On the map before you enter the first town, head north west and you'll again encounter a fight with the masked man. Same as the first one, you MUST win this fight, no second tries. After winning, you'll get the thunder book. If you're having a hard time, you may have to grind a bit.
-After the fight, enter the town, and head directly south to a treasure chest. You will be able to open it with the key we got from the cave. It will give you the water book.
-Check your h level. If it's atleast 23, while fully clothed, head to the inn and go to sleep. Choose first option to wander during the night and exit the inn. Head to the harbor and you'll hear a cat meow. Head north west to free the cat then you'll get attacked. After the fight, choose first option for a scene (#11). Go back to sleep after. Once it's day again, exit the town at the south east exit. You'll see the cat. Follow it and you'll be rewarded with gold, which sells for $500.
-Now head back to town and exit the middle east exit. Head east till the next zone, head north after, to King Crab Mountain or something.
-While here, make sure you kill a few mobs, you'll need it later. Also, you'll find 2 ropes total while exploring the area. Use them on the wooden posts to make easier access through the mountain later.
-In the cave where you get the 2nd rope, exit at the far east exit, you'll come across another big npc. Save. Approach it, if it just wants to challenge you, then don't fight it and kill more regular mobs, if its mad and wants to kill you, that's what we want, fight it. It will have 2 forms, so beware. If you can't kill it, can come back for it later. You'll get the Gale Sword skill when you beat it.
-Near the top, you'll come across another ring(2), the poison proof ring. Now cross the bridge to the second town.
-Once inside the town, head behind the inn toward the sparkling dot for $30, then head to the item shop, and buy 3 ropes.
-Inside the inn, you can recruit a new mercenary here for $150. When you exit, you should bump into the fat npc that groped you in the first inn. He'll continually harrass you any chance he gets.
-Head east and go inside the hotsprings. Grab the pickaxe then exit.
-Now head east and talk to the red head npc talking to a dog twice.
-Head inside the house after and go towards the door. Talk to the red head npc after and choose first option.
-Exit and head to the northeast house and enter.
-Talk to the female npc wearing a headband(Alisa) twice and choose first option.
-Now go to the inn and sleep.
-Talk to Alisa again.
-Head south into the forest, and explore till you reach the north west corner, where you'll see a unique npc beside a skeleton. Kill it to progress.
-Return to town, once you can move again, talk to Alisa again. Choose first option.
-Head back to the first town, you may want to go through King Crab Mountain again to use 2 of your 3 ropes. Don't bother going inside the new cave near the 2nd town zone, can't go further till you get the jump shoes.
-OPTIONAL: Don't have to do this now but it will help your game in the long run. Once you exit King Crab Mountain, head east instead until you zone into the forest. You may have to run away instead of fighting mobs if you're not strong enough. Keep heading east until you reach a big pond with a big npc. Save and try to beat it. If you win, you get the paralyze edge skill, fairly useful. If not, can always come back for it. Now south east of the mob is another ring(3), anti-sleep. Now head north until you see a path blocked by a boulder. Since you have a pickaxe now, you can destroy it and head north. You'll eventually see a necklace(2) which gives you hp regen, most useful necklace of the 3 in my opinion. Now, go back to the first town.
-Back in the first town, head to the mayor's house and talk to the maid npc outside. After that, head to the jail and talk to the bald npc behind prison. Choose first option, then head to the little room at the south east corner and click on the table to get a key. Free the bald npc, then exit.
-Head to the north east corner of town and talk to the bald npc. Choose first option. Instead of exploring the new dungeon, head back out the ladder. Enter the small cave and talk to the bald npc twice. Exit after.
-Now exit the town at the middle exit, then head north east to reach a path blocked by a boulder, head through and go north.
-Continue heading north, you may notice a ring lying around the area, but ignore it for now. Keep heading north. You'll also encounter another big npc. Fight it and if you win, you'll get the large defense skill. If not, can come back for it later. Continue north.
-Feel free to talk to the skeleton npc to buy a feather that transport you to this tower. I don't recommend it though, cause once we're done with this area, no point coming back, other than for grinding if needed.
-Inside, near the middle, you see torches, four in total. You need to light them up. There are 2 ways to light them. First and easy way is to have the fire book equipped, and you'll have the option to use it on the torches. Second is to kill mobs to get them to drop matches. Then use the match to light the torch. Once you light all four, a new path will appear in the middle of the map.
-In the next level, try to get to the south middle of the map. Be careful treading this area as you can fall from ledges. You'll see a pair of shoes guarded by an npc. Kill the npc and get the shoes. You can now jump across 1 square gaps, or down ledges. Now head to the north middle part of the map and step on the red button. A new path should open to a stairway leading up. In the next level, try to get to the south west part of the map to get to a key. Once you get the key, you can now open the doors. Head to the north west corner to get the silent proof ring(4), then go to the next floor up.
-Head to the very south middle part of the map and pull the switch to turn off the traps. Now head to the next floor up.
-In this floor, open the closest chest for a phoenix feather, then grab the red orb, and open the chest beside it for $100. The chest at the north is a mimic. Now head back to the zone before the tower, where we saw the ring that we couldn't get. There's actually a hidden zone in the middle of the area, behind the small stone "cliff". Go inside for a gold. Head out again and east a bit. Jump down the ledge to get the paralysis proof ring(5). You should now have all 5 rings, make sure you hold on to all of them. Head back to the second town.
-OPTIONAL: Don't have to do this now, but it's a little helpful if you do. Remember that cave near the second town zone, head inside. It's fairly linear, explore until you reach a big npc. Beat him and you'll get the poison edge skill, also fairly useful. Now go back to the second town and the hotsprings is back in business. Enter the women's bath, click on the sparkly dot to remove clothes and go in the water near the rock, a scene should start (#44). After the scene, you'll either get a slight increase in hp or sp.
-Now make sure you have a phoenix feather on you, and enter the south east most house. Talk to the kid twice and choose first option both times.
-Now exit to the south forest. You'll get a scene almost immediately (#33) and head south east towards a path blocked by a boulder, go through.
-Head east/north east, and keep going until you cross a bridge, you will automatically get a scene here (#34), head north west and you'll come across a necklace(3) which cuts sp consumption to 2/3. Now head west and push the box down the river, to make a path back. Ignore this path for now and head west. Continue west hugging the north wall. On the east/west branch, take the west branch for $100 then go east. You'll then reach a north/south branch, go south for a scene.
-You'll see masked man again, but no fight this time. Once you have control, do not enter the east zone for now, just to be safe. Instead, head back north west and zone north. Once you enter this zone, the kid will go home. Talk to the skeleton by the tower entrance and buy a feather. Now head back to that path where you pushed the box down the river, and head south/south west all the way, then go east until you can zone.
-Keep heading east until you zone out of the forest.
-Keep heading east, past a cave towards a narrow path heading north. You'll see a red eye npc. Attack it. During the battle, an npc(Oscar) will join you, and once the mob is dead, he'll let you challenge him. Win and you'll get the multiple slash skill, which is about on par with the second virgin sword skill. Lose and you'll get an hscene, but won't lose your virginity (#47).
-Now head north and you'll zone into the third town.
-Talk to the npc east of the pub, and he'll combine the 5 rings you have for $1,500. Do so if you can afford it to free up some space. Talk to him again after and he'll combine the 3 necklaces for you for $3,000. Do so if you can afford it.
-Now go sleep in the inn, when you wake up, you'll notice the lithograph is missing (supposed to be your secondary pouch). Head out and you'll bump into rich fat npc again and will again try to harrass you any chance he gets. Talk to the green npc south of the inn. He'll run away. Follow him outside town.
-Go back to where you challenged Oscar, he should be back there now. Win and you'll get the counter skill, which is very useful. Lose and you'll get another hscene (#48). Lose again and you'll get another hscene (#49). There are a total of 3 hscenes with Oscar, just keep losing to him (#47)(#48)(#49). You won't lose your virginity with the said scenes so can pick it up now if you want.
-Now head south west until you see a path blocked by a boulder. Go through, and flip the switch near the end to gain access to a cave. Go through. Talk to the sleeping npc. A fight will ensue, a fairly easy one so should be no problem winning. Talk to npc again after the fight and click on the crystal looking thing by the table. Exit after and head south.
-You will zone into a small port that's being ravaged by a giant squid. Save and fight it. Once you beat it, you'll get the dispel edge skill. You can now take this ship back to the first town and vice versa. Zone out and zone back in, and you'll notice an npc beside a treasure chest. Talk to him and choose the ??? option. Talk to him again, and now you'll see the ??? is replaced by an item worth $10,000. You'll need to buy that so start saving up for it. Go to the south west harbor and talk to the npc with white hair.
-Now head back to the forest and you'll see the green npc. Approach him and he'll run to the forest. Follow him. Now go west/north west and zone. In this area, head west until you get to a pond with a blue eyed enemy. Kill it and you should get a golden card. Now head back to the second town.
-Enter the south east most house and talk to the kid, choose first option. You'll get a scene (#35)
-Zone out of the town after, then go back in. Make sure you have a phoenix feather on you, and talk to the kid again and choose first option to recruit him.
-Now go back to the third town, enter the forest.
-Keep hugging the south wall, and you'll eventually zone into a dead end area where you'll see the thief. Approach him and you'll get a scene (#51), and once you have control of your character, pick up the bag he leaves behind. Now go back to the small port and talk to the white haired npc, and choose first option.
-Use the feather you bought from the skeleton, and you should get teleported back to the moon tower. Buy another feather and enter the tower.
-The first floor is similar to the first tower, where you have to light the torches. Head to the next level.
-The next level is pretty straigh forward, just try to get to the north most part of the map. Don't forget to flip the switch to open the door for easier access later before you head up.
-In this level, just need to try to get to the middle area to head up.
-In this level, ignore the cart for now, but follow the tracks. Everytime you see a switch, flip it. There should be 3 in total. After the third switch, go north for a treasure chest and drop down the hole. Grab the treasures and click on the hole to get out, you'll find yourself in the 2nd level. Work your way back up to the 4th.
-Now ride the cart. You'll enter a new area with a boss of some sort. Defeat it for the light book. Can come back for it later if you can't kill it. Head back out after and head south abit then east to the next level. The west chest is a mimic, everything else is safe. Head back to the first town after.
-Feel free to finish off the arena fights, there are 6 in total, and if you beat the 6th round, you'll get the absorb hp skill.
-Remember that path the bald npc opened up for us in the northeast corner of town? Now head inside there.
-It's a fairly linear dungeon, explore until you zone into the mansion.
-Inside the mansion, open any door to sound the alarm, and get caught.
-After the events, sleep at the inn with hp less than 50%. You should get a scene (#25). After the event, SAVE in separate slot. Will need this save later.
-Don't talk to the bald guy at all. Sleep at the inn again with less than 50% hp. You'll get another scene (#26).
-Again, do not talk to the bald guy. Sleep at the inn again with less than 50% hp. You'll get another scene (#27).
-Sleep at the inn again with less than 50% and you'll get another scene (#28) and END4 (#13)
-Now load that previous save. Now talk to the bald guy, and choose first option. Sleep again at the in with less than 50% hp. You'll get scene (#26) again.
-Talk to the bald guy again. Sleep again at the inn with less than 50% hp.
-After the events, go to the third town.
-Every now and then, when you zone into the inn, you'll have a male npc with brown hair by the counter instead of a female npc. Talk to him and he'll offer lodging for $50 instead of $100. Accept the offer and you'll get a scene (#58)
-Head north until you see an npc beside some stairs. Go down the stairs. Keep heading north until you see a narrow path with 2 paths on each side bearing a sun and moon picture. Click on both, choosing first option each time. Take the middle path and zone into the next level.
-Flip the switch on the north east, and go to the south east to the next level
-Enter all the small rooms, click on the crystals, choose first option and kill all the mobs. Open all the chests. You'll open up a secret path to the north, but we'll ignore that for now.
-Now head to the brothel, which is located north east of the inn.
-Talk to the npc by the counter and choose first option. You'll need atleast 70 or so h level. You will automatically get scenes (#54) and (#55) after the event.
-Now go back to the brothel and whore yourself 4 more times, but make sure your hlevel does NOT exceed 149. You can get scenes (#52), (#53), (#56), (#61), (#62), (#63), (#64) and (#65) all in the brothel. If you're hlevel is getting fairly high, go back to the first town and go inside the church. Enter the confessional and choose first option to reduce hlevel by 20. This will no longer work though if your hlevel exceeds 149.
-OPTIONAL: Don't really need to do this, but it's kinda funny. SAVE for now, then go to your menu screen. Choose the third option, and use the prayer bead. Choose first option. After the events, load up your save.
-Now go back to the small port and buy that $10,000 ore, should be easy to get the funds now. Now go back to the ruins in the third town and zone to the west as you enter. Talk to the npc mining by himself and he'll mine out an ore. Choose the $100 option, and choose first option, and you'll get a scene (#60) and another ore. Now remember that secret path we opened up deeper in the ruins? Go back to it now. Head north and you'll see a wall with something protruding. Click on it. Now go around it and try to approach the chests. Now click on the protrusion again, and choose first option. You'll get a scene (#59) and access to the 2 chests, one being a necklace that gives 5x xp and the other an ore.
-Now go back to the lab with the sleeping npc and talk to him 3 times, always choosing first option. You should now have g-ball x3.
-Now use the feather to teleport to the moon tower. Zone south, and go south east passed the area where you got the third masked man event.
-Head into the new dungeon and use your third rope to get down.
-This dungeon is fairly linear, so just explore until you reach what appears to be an underground establishment. Note: now is a good time to grind using the 5x xp necklace. You'll level up like mad, and the higher leveled you are, the better the chances of beating the last boss without using the prayer bead.
-Head north then east and enter the room.
-You'll meet masked man again and learn his true identity! He'll then give you a key.
-Now is a good chance to sell off some unimportant stuff to convert it to money, cause in a new game+, only your level and your money is imported. To head back out, take the north stairs to zone out. Go south at the next area, and you'll exit out of the locked door beside the entrance to the dungeon. Head back to any town to sell your stuff, and just take this shortcut back after.
-Head back now take the middle path to the north till you reach a big door. Enter and head north. After the scene head north and when given a choice, choose the first option. Now fight the last boss.
-defcab from linemarvel forums posted a strategy to beat the final boss at around level 25:
A non-virgin last boss strategy I came up with because I couldn't be bothered to gain levels. This worked at Level 25 after about 3 attempts so anything above that should be fine.
Required items:
- A minimum of 3 Elixirs. I recommend about 10 to be safe.
- 3 G-Balls (Take Tronium to the lab north-west from the dock. 1: Buy from dock for 10000g. 2: Sex with man in west room of ruins. 3: Wall-dick in the ruins)
Required equipment:
- Fully repaired clothes
- Recovery Necklace (on the floor in the forest)
- S-Ring or Anti-Poison Ring (I forget where this one is)
- Grimoire of Light (defeat the hidden boss in the moon tower)
Required skills:
- Heal (6SP)
- Counter (3SP) (defeat oscar twice, north of the southeast dock)
- Big Guard (2SP) (defeat the boss just before the sun tower)
- Starlight (10SP) (equip the aforementioned grimoire)
General strategy:
Turn 1: Counter
Turn 2: G-Ball if HP > 240, otherwise Heal
Turn 3: G-Ball if HP > 240, otherwise Heal
Turn 4: Heal if HP > 240 and SP > 20, otherwise Elixir
Turn 5: Big Guard
It's very important to keep count of the turns and stick to this pattern. Meteo comes out every 5th turn (~1/4 chance) and that shit hurts. Big Guard combined with the Recovery Necklace neutralises it effortlessly.
Activating Counter means there's a small chance of taking no damage on a turn, giving you safe opportunities to attack. If you ever have less than ~240HP then heal to be safe. When you run out of G-Balls, use Starlight instead (about 10 will kill it).
Always Heal on Turn 4 so you have enough HP to safely reactivate Counter. Using an Elixir (or Full Heal Potion) is safer as it guarantees full HP, but if you already have more than ~240HP then a normal Heal should be fine. You'll have to take occasional risks here if you didn't bring a ton of Elixirs.
The only thing you aren't protected against with this strategy is taking the full damage of a triple-hit. Counter mostly stops this from happening, but sometimes you can get the worst luck. Also the 240HP figure is approximate - increase that number if you keep getting randomly killed in 2 hits or if your clothes get damaged.
Also, I'm assuming that the boss always gets to attack first. If you level up enough (~Level 40?) you'll probably start getting to act first and will need to change the strategy slightly.
-Once you beat the boss and have control of your character, you are now in free roam. SAVE
-Use the prayer bead now and you should get END3 (#14)
-Load up your save and now head to the grave at the north end corner of the first town.
-Click on it and choose first option, you should now get END4(#15)
-Load up your save again and now we'll start hunting the rest of the hscenes.
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