The Orc Of Vengeance
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<< From here after beat a OP female knight, go to next area => go into PUB => beat a knight for Axe => go outside check the statue from the right side => go down the stair => up to the first map village => beat a soldier => got Hammer => back to the pub map => go upper left and use hammer to break stone plate => click read switch => go back to OP female knight map => go to top right and use hammer at the right side of the house and press yellow switch => go back to PUB map and head to the building that is barred before (middle right of the map => kill the guard and received iron shield => take dragon orb => go back to dragon statue and use the orb => got silver key => now you can open a grey doors => back to 1st map open any grey doors you found
1st Map
bottom left house => Diary it's a hint about gold statue, if those 2 are push you can enter an empty house at the back side => it will warp to the stair near the dragon statue and kill the guard and received elf's secret medicine (dunno it's purpose though)
top right house => talk to fat guy he will hint you that if you click piano at the PUB 3 times you will find a girl, after that you will have 2 choice to kill him or spare him (a bit tough and give you mithril mail when you kill him) => go to PUB and check piano 3 times and secret way will open => get your dancer
maid's house => check the cabinet and hit a switch => go down stair => there are 2 girls below with a lot of soldier guarding them and hit those switch to open doors too
2nd Map (OP female knight map)
bottom left house (yellow roof) => pyramid illusion need mask of Ra to reveal it => received Lantern
middle left house (red roof left side of the dragon statue) => play tag with the blue hair girl and defeat her => spike shield in the chest inside the house
top right house (yellow roof near the OP female knight) => there is a chest with 2 barriers around it => use dispel book and received green crystal
3rd Map (PUB map)
3rd top left house (yellow roof) => treasure chest with barrier blocking it => use dispel book and received mask of Ra
Middle right house (red roof) => go to upper floor and check the middle bookshelf => fight Death book (hit you hard be careful keep safe at 500HP) received Partizan and magic book (key item) which can dispel barrier
4th Map (Castle)
Don't cross the bridge but turn left and walk around the castle and go down stair (need lantern) => dungeon => go to next map and take magic jar(???) => back to blue stone plate at the top right of 3rd map
=> received Gold Key and again go back and open any gold doors you found
2nd Map (OP female knight map)
Top right big house near yellow switch => check the middle book shelf below the upper floor => fight Death book R (keep safe at 800HP) => received assasin dagger + super spell book
3rd Map (PUB map)
Middle left house (yellow roof) => read memo => head to the bottom right most chair which can go up => kill the guard (he hit twice be careful) => received dragon mail+shield from him => got electronic key
Middle right house => turn left go out of wall => go inside the house area again from the top left and move to the wall and go up turn right and back in house area again at the top right and kill guard (same as the last guy) => received gold mail and princess key
After collect all items now head to castle and defeat witch (700HP to be safe) => enter the castle => go right proceed along the way to upstair => go left door and take tower shield => go back to throne room and go left => proceed along the way and go down the stair => go up and turn right move ahead until you see sister enemy then go down and turn left and move ahead along the way until you see a knight and thief guard the stair at center of the map (ignore stair along the way) => go up and equip tower shield => move ahead until you see an elf (you can leave her here bur why leave her alone

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