Requiem ABS 9 (ระบบเดินฟัน(มีเพื่อนช่วยโจมตี))

เครดิต : Vlad

ลองไปแปลเอานะครับ = =a
To setup enemies:
- Create on map, an event with following commentaries:
Enemy ID - Change ID for a ID of a monster in Database;
Die Erase - Erase the enemy when it dies;
Die Self Switch A - Turn On the Self Switch A when enemy dies;
Die Self Switch B - Turn On the Self Switch B when enemy dies;
Die Self Switch C - Turn On the Self Switch C when enemy dies;
Die Self Switch D - Turn On the Self Switch D when enemy dies;
Die Switch X - Turn On the Switch X when enemy dies;
Die Variable X - Increase +1 to variable X;
Follow X - Change X for range of sight of the enemy, to it follow the player automatically
Kill With Weapon X - The enemy will die only if be attacked with weapon X
Kill With Skill X - The enemy will die only if be attacked with skill X
Kill With Item X - The enemy will die only if be attacked with item X
Object - Makes the enemy be an object, and it will kill only with BOMB is used against it;
Puzzle - Makes the enemy be an puzzle, it can be killed but allies don't follow it, the damage and hp bar is not showed
Respawn X - Makes the enemy respawns automatically after X frames
Boss - Shows the Boss HP Bar
Put on NOTES of enemies in database, the following commands (optional):
Attack Animation = X - Change X to ID of animation for attack of enemy (Default is 1)
Die Animation = X - Change X to ID of animation that will showed when enemy dies
Die SE = X - Change X to a SE name that will played when enemy dies
Defense Rate X - Change X for a defense rate (in %) of enemy (Default is 50%)
Reflect Rate = X (Change X to reflect damage rate (in%) of enemy, default is 0%)
Weapon Icon = X - Change X for a Index of a icon that will be showed as a enemy?s weapon
Shield Icon = X - Change X for a Index of a icon that will be showed as a enemy?s shield
Follow Range = X - Change X for a range that enemy follows the actors
Respawn = X - Change X for a delay that enemy respawn in map
Move Speed = X - Change X for a speed for character of enemy in map
Move Route = X - Change X for a move route for character:
0 = Stopped; 1 = Random; 2 = Follow actor
To setup skills, items and weapons:
In NOTES of skill, item or weapon, put the following commands:
Commands valid for all (except states):
Ranged - That command says to script, that weapon, skill or item is ranged
Graphic = X - Change X for character name
Index = X - Change X for character index (default is 0 )
Speed = X - Change X for movement speed of projectile, (default is 4 )
Range = X - Change X for distance that performed for the projectile (default is 5 )
Delay = X - Change X for delay of projectile (default is 60 )
Shot SE = X - Change X for SE name that is played when attack
Path = X (Change X for:
Line (The projectile will walk in straight line (that is default value));
Circle (The projectile will walk around the player);
Boom (The projectile will walk forward and come back, like a boomerang);
Jump (The projectile will jump 2 squares forward (like Axe of castlevania));
Random (The projectile will walk randomly on map) )
Commands valid only for skills and items:
Explosive - That command, says to script, that is a skill or item explosive
Area = X - Change X for area (in tiles) that explosion affects the enemies (default is 3)
Commands valid only for weapons:
Combo Hits = X - Change X for number of hits needed to gets a combo damage (default is 5)
Combo Rate = X - Change X for % of chance to get a combo damage (default is 75%)
Ammo1 = X - Change X for ID of item that is ammunition 1
Ammo2 = X - Change X for ID of item that is ammunition 2
Command valid only for items:
Bomb - This command says to script, that item is a bomb
Commands valid only for armors:
Defense Rate = X - Change X for defense rate (in %) that shield block attacks for enemies (default is 50%)
Reflect Rate = X (Change X to reflect damage rate (in%), rate is added for each armor equipped default is 0%)
Commands valid only for states:
Animation = X - Change X for a animation id of state, default is 0
Walk Slower - That command says to script, that skill makes player or enemy walk slower
Walk Faster - That command says to script, that skill makes player or enemy walk faster
Don't Walk - That command says to script, that skill makes player or enemy don't walk
Duration X - Change X for a duration (in frames) that target is infected for the state
Confusion (That command says to script, that state makes player walk randomly)
Additional Configurations:
- To create a Dead Sprite for character when it dies, put in the Graphics/Characters folder a image named: $X_Dead, where X is the name of the character.
- To change party order, press Tab
- To Change Allies Actions, hold Control and press Tab to change Action and Enter to change Actor
ขออภัยที่ไม่ได้แปลให้ ไว้ว่างๆแล้วจะแปลให้นะครับ =w=
To setup enemies:
- Create on map, an event with following commentaries:
Enemy ID - Change ID for a ID of a monster in Database;
Die Erase - Erase the enemy when it dies;
Die Self Switch A - Turn On the Self Switch A when enemy dies;
Die Self Switch B - Turn On the Self Switch B when enemy dies;
Die Self Switch C - Turn On the Self Switch C when enemy dies;
Die Self Switch D - Turn On the Self Switch D when enemy dies;
Die Switch X - Turn On the Switch X when enemy dies;
Die Variable X - Increase +1 to variable X;
Follow X - Change X for range of sight of the enemy, to it follow the player automatically
Kill With Weapon X - The enemy will die only if be attacked with weapon X
Kill With Skill X - The enemy will die only if be attacked with skill X
Kill With Item X - The enemy will die only if be attacked with item X
Object - Makes the enemy be an object, and it will kill only with BOMB is used against it;
Puzzle - Makes the enemy be an puzzle, it can be killed but allies don't follow it, the damage and hp bar is not showed
Respawn X - Makes the enemy respawns automatically after X frames
Boss - Shows the Boss HP Bar
Put on NOTES of enemies in database, the following commands (optional):
Attack Animation = X - Change X to ID of animation for attack of enemy (Default is 1)
Die Animation = X - Change X to ID of animation that will showed when enemy dies
Die SE = X - Change X to a SE name that will played when enemy dies
Defense Rate X - Change X for a defense rate (in %) of enemy (Default is 50%)
Reflect Rate = X (Change X to reflect damage rate (in%) of enemy, default is 0%)
Weapon Icon = X - Change X for a Index of a icon that will be showed as a enemy?s weapon
Shield Icon = X - Change X for a Index of a icon that will be showed as a enemy?s shield
Follow Range = X - Change X for a range that enemy follows the actors
Respawn = X - Change X for a delay that enemy respawn in map
Move Speed = X - Change X for a speed for character of enemy in map
Move Route = X - Change X for a move route for character:
0 = Stopped; 1 = Random; 2 = Follow actor
To setup skills, items and weapons:
In NOTES of skill, item or weapon, put the following commands:
Commands valid for all (except states):
Ranged - That command says to script, that weapon, skill or item is ranged
Graphic = X - Change X for character name
Index = X - Change X for character index (default is 0 )
Speed = X - Change X for movement speed of projectile, (default is 4 )
Range = X - Change X for distance that performed for the projectile (default is 5 )
Delay = X - Change X for delay of projectile (default is 60 )
Shot SE = X - Change X for SE name that is played when attack
Path = X (Change X for:
Line (The projectile will walk in straight line (that is default value));
Circle (The projectile will walk around the player);
Boom (The projectile will walk forward and come back, like a boomerang);
Jump (The projectile will jump 2 squares forward (like Axe of castlevania));
Random (The projectile will walk randomly on map) )
Commands valid only for skills and items:
Explosive - That command, says to script, that is a skill or item explosive
Area = X - Change X for area (in tiles) that explosion affects the enemies (default is 3)
Commands valid only for weapons:
Combo Hits = X - Change X for number of hits needed to gets a combo damage (default is 5)
Combo Rate = X - Change X for % of chance to get a combo damage (default is 75%)
Ammo1 = X - Change X for ID of item that is ammunition 1
Ammo2 = X - Change X for ID of item that is ammunition 2
Command valid only for items:
Bomb - This command says to script, that item is a bomb
Commands valid only for armors:
Defense Rate = X - Change X for defense rate (in %) that shield block attacks for enemies (default is 50%)
Reflect Rate = X (Change X to reflect damage rate (in%), rate is added for each armor equipped default is 0%)
Commands valid only for states:
Animation = X - Change X for a animation id of state, default is 0
Walk Slower - That command says to script, that skill makes player or enemy walk slower
Walk Faster - That command says to script, that skill makes player or enemy walk faster
Don't Walk - That command says to script, that skill makes player or enemy don't walk
Duration X - Change X for a duration (in frames) that target is infected for the state
Confusion (That command says to script, that state makes player walk randomly)
Additional Configurations:
- To create a Dead Sprite for character when it dies, put in the Graphics/Characters folder a image named: $X_Dead, where X is the name of the character.
- To change party order, press Tab
- To Change Allies Actions, hold Control and press Tab to change Action and Enter to change Actor
ขออภัยที่ไม่ได้แปลให้ ไว้ว่างๆแล้วจะแปลให้นะครับ =w=
เครดิต : Vlad
[สคริปต์] Requiem ABS 9 (ระบบเดินฟัน(มีเพื่อนช่วยโจมตี))
ผมไม่อัพ อะไรทั้งสิ้นแล้วนะครับ ติดใจกระทู้ไหนก็ขอโทษครับ ขอไม่ตอบ ขอเป้นฝ่ายดูอย่างเดียว
### โหลดโดจินฟรี ที่นี้ คลิก ๆ ###
### โหลดโดจินฟรี ที่นี้ คลิก ๆ ###