แก้ไขครั้งสุดท้ายโดย isdogtr001 เมื่อ 2014-8-17 15:46

Hataraku Maou-sama! Translations MaouxEmi moments
T/N: I actually started on translating V11’s MaouxEmimoments :) V11 has soooo many of my utmost favourite MaouEmi moments but it’sreally long so it’ll definitely take some time, sorry!
Anyway, I was random re-reading some of the chapters andcame across this when I was like “omg how could I NOT translate that thismoment”
Basically I’m gonna sift out the maouxemi moments here.
so enjoy :)
"Chiho, I heard you birthday is coming soon, when isit?"
Chiho and Emi’s faces stiffened.
"Ah, that…un. It’s September, September 10th."
Chiho answered honestly.
"Although I’ve thought about it before, even as a demonlord I’ve thought getting anything as a present, I definitely can’t getsomething which Chiho-chan will like. So I thought why not I’ll just ask theperson herself since it’s faster and practical this way."
Maou’s words are probably too straight forward but fromEmi’s point of view, having the demon lord to understand the concept ofbirthdays is difficult.
"Although currently I’ve not sure what Chi-chan wouldlike but I guess it’s not the same with Emi’s tastes, with those girlishstuffs."
"W-What do you mean by girlish stuffs!"
"Well girlish stuffs that is. Using Rilakkumawallet at this age."
"A-anyway it’s better than the wallet you get from100yen shop! In fact, me and Chiho-chan’s age difference is only by ayear!"
"Ah~ Well anyway you should know I couldn’t getanything that’s too expensive, but did you think of anything that is kindasimilar?" (He ignored Emi)
These words are indeed unnecessarily too straight-forward,as if he was confirming a MgRonald’s order.
Chiho slightly gazed toward Maou’s face.
"Maybe I’ve already received one."
And she smiled.
"I see.. Un? Eh? Did I gave you anything?"
"Yeah and in fact it’s probably something I wanted themost right now."
"Un? R-really? Un?"
Maou himself completely had no idea what it was, he tiltedhis neck and thought hard about it.
"Eh? What exactly was it?"
Ultimately Maou who did not get an answer and showed anunsatisfying expression while Chiho secretly smiled and walked in small steps.
"Seriously… Should I say both of you are as differentas the heaven and earth… and too carefree."
"Eh? Does Emi knows the answer?"
"…..I don’t want to know."
"W-what’s with that!"
"Kekeke, everything’s a secret before you findout."
Chiho placed her finger on her lips, seemed that she did notintend to reveal the answer.
"Ah, that’s right! I remember Yusa-san’s birthday is atautumn, isn’ it?’
Chiho who diverted the conversation topic to Emi, whichsurprised Emi.
"Is it?"
"I think I’ve heard Suzuno-san talked about thisbefore…"
Emi nodded her head without looking at Maou’s face.
"Although my birthday is indeed in the beginning of theAutumn in Ente Isla, not too sure when it is on Earth. ‘Sides it doesn’t matterhow my birthday will be like."
"Aye~ Such a rare occasion, why not we exchangegifts!"
Chiho pulled Emi’s arms and started to plan happily.
"S-stop playing around, it makes me feel kinda weirdyou know."
Emi flustered and rejected Chiho, who asked Emi in a“high-school girl” manner.
"No matter what, I have so many things I wanna thankyou for. You’ve also taken quite some care of Maou-san, if I don’t thank youfrom time to time, maybe he’ll really get killed by you huh?"
"Chiho, I say…."
Emi was confused as to why would Chiho be this serious.
"Don’t be so serious alright, ‘sides I don’t want youto think this way, please stop playing around."
If Maou really buy a Rilakkuma product for Emi just like howChiho said, Emi would probably start hating Rilakkuma.
"But you’re not thinking of getting anything from meright?"
"That goes without saying. So stop thinking aboutit…"
"How about this."
Maou placed his palm forward and Emi had a bed feeling aboutthis.
"Didn’t I appoint you as my demon general?"
"If you’re thinking of using that as a present, thenforget about it."
"Can’t do that in front of Fale so treat it as asupervision and follow me!"
At that moment, the time paused.
" "Eh?" "
Emi and Chiho stiffened and said in sync.
"Anyway you’re feeling frustrated if you should reallybe considering me as an enemy isn’t it? Since it’s like this, you should reallyobserve me and see all over again if I’m your enemy. You’re the great demongeneral, so you could finish me from my back anytime isn’t it. Of course on theother hand I wouldn’t let myself get killed easily, but after all these youstill have anything with me that you’re not satisfied with, we’ll settleeverything as the hero and demon king by then. How do you think aboutthis?"
"Let’s start over. I’ll prove it to you with myactions. I’m not the demon lord you think I am. Chiho knows about my agendabehind the conquering of world. I will tell you straight from the start, ifyou’re still not satisfied with this, we’ll decide have a rematch. So—"
Maou who smiled gleefully towards Emi as he proclaimed thewords which he thought he did a perfect job.
"Hero Emilia, follow me if you want to have fun. I’lllet you see a new world through the processing of conquering the world. "(be swayed Emilia AWHHH)
Chiho and Emi were very shocked.
And Sariel who was the only bystander watching as the timestopped—
"Un, so you could actually say the things you should besaying at the appropriate times huh."
He was impressed by Maou’s words.
And then—
"Eh? Eh? Eh?"
Suddenly, Emi’s face was so red as if it was on fire.
Suzuno felt something was amiss as Alas=ramus who was in herhands disappeared. Emi’s hand was already holding her sacred sword.
"Hey, hey, Emi? T-this is a public space, hey!"
"Heavenly flames!" (some kind of sword move namebasically)
Emi aimed at Maou and revealed her sacred sword’s skillswith all her might.
Under Emi’s merciless attack, Maou’s thin body just likethis, slammed against the tree in a single blow and fell into a bush.
Although Emi behaved as if she was lost of what to say, Maouwas even more confused of the situation.
"Baka! You this baka! That’s it! You’re my enemy!You’re definitely my enemy! Although what’s more frustrating is that I’m a bigidiot too! T-try say anything weird to me again and you’ll see! Nothing to dowith Chiho or Alas=ramus! When that happens, I’ll definitely finish you! Y-youthis…."
With teary eyes, holding in different emotions, she yelledwith a heavily flustered face. (PLEASE SEARCH FOR THE ILLUSTRATION FOR THIS,IT’S IN VOLUME 6)
"You dense idiot!"
Then she ran away, faster than Suzuno.
"Wh-what’s with this…"
Maou crawled out from the bush and was unclear of theprevious situation. At the same time, a shadow loomed over his face.
"C-Chiho, can you please help me up for a while?"
Facing against the sunset, she grabbed on Maou’soutstretched hand and grabbed his sleeves.
"Maou-san, treat me to have some cake."
"Didn’t you wanna help to celebrate my birthday? Thentreat me some cake, right now!"
"Eh? Ah, that. Why are you angry…"
"I don’t know!"
"T-that, Chi-chan, I can walk by myself, you can releasemy sleeves, that…"
Maou was thus dragged in the direction where the high schoolgirl was pulling.
As Maou was drag by Chiho, he stared at the evening sky.
Although he had not clue as to why Emi would turn that redand why Chiho was angry. However-
"If usually she shows that kind of face, that’ll becuter I guess." (MAOUEMI FLAG RAISED)
Maou recalled Emi’s teary eyed with beetroot red face andsecretly smiled to himself.
"Did you say anything?" (<- Chiho)
So yeah! I hope you MaouEmi shippers enjoyed thistranslation :) It was a pretty cute moment and I squealed when Maou thoughtEmi’s embarrassed face was cute :’)

การขอเเต่งงานของท่านจอมมาร Hataraku mao sama