Status :
- STR for physice attack
- AGI each 10 add 4 FLEE, 50 80 99 add 1 more hit normal attack
- VIT 50 and 99 add some resis on bad status and + recover item effect
- INT for mp and magic attack and defence
- DEX each 10 point add 10 hit
- LUK each 2 point add 1 critical, 50 add dubble item drop rate
- if want reset status need item URL
- if skill message has <パッシブ>, = equip status
- some skill lvl high will more easy success on skill, or buffs will hold longer
- if want reset skill, need item URL, after use it push left in get skill window can reset
- steal item skill URL sometime can steal mob underwear

Set weapon : (need after quest find 5 iron stone

can buy add ATK or DEF item from man in NW corner
- 1st choice is add ATK or DEF, but need set weapon first
- 2nd choice is set weapon, after choice weapon can choice Yes (if break clothes or down her hp to helf will fight, if win can get card [no stun + 10VIT] or 3rd choice (no hscene), if set 10 weapon and get house in NE port town, can H her in home
- 3rd choice for combine item, item use for add ATK or DEF
- 4th choice for information only
- If cant see cunt or chest, some skill not work, need break clothes or steal underwear
- If get URL or URL, can get item in random, better get 1 (super rare...)URL (clover for dubble drop rate) for later make URL, this item for fairy mob, fairy drop sword too
- If get URL, can get card in random
- If dungeon has npc and get this choice
, pay $ can dubble exp in that dungeon untill time off
- In tower town, 2F pay 3k or give her URL for npc move, but get spell need INT over 50 (spell need INT over 50 or cant use, effect down 30% physice attack from mob but each round use 5% mana, but this buffs dont off untill end of fight)
Quest :
- 01: 初心者修練 --- NW guild house clear 1st mission
- 02: 地下水道掃除 --- go west sewer pick rubbish (red empty bottle)
- 03: 盗賊討伐 --- sewer B4, catch thief
- 04: 迷子の子供を捜せ --- quest npc is woman in castle, near south entrance --- find boy in north forest, after quest go north forest click stone URL can find hidden road
- 05: 求・鉄鉱石5つ --- quest npc in 1st town blacksmith --- find 5 iron stone
, URL in west forest can drop
- 06: 配達お願いします --- quest npc is merchant in middle of NE port town --- take item to east town, npc in north side (no port one)
- 07: 野菜嫌いの子供 --- quest npc is woman outside 1st town inn --- combine from npc in north side of east town (no port one)
- 08: 青ジェム下さい --- quest npc in NE port town (near west house entrance) --- find 10 URL, item can buy in tower town
- 09: 死霊の洞窟 --- quest npc is aged in middle of east town (no port one) --- kill all zomibe in town's cave (B1 and B2 only)
- 10: 求・ローヤルゼリー --- quest npc in tower town, just ouside tower --- give him URL
- 11: 配達お願いしますⅡ --- need clear quest 06: 配達お願いします --- quest npc is merchant in middle of NE port town --- take item to SW town, npc who selling banana
- 12: 求・ヒドラカード --- quest npc in SE port town, near dock --- he need ヒドラカード, this can drop from mob or buy in NE port town (5k one)
- 13: 追憶の水晶 --- quest npc in tower town's tower 2F --- give him
and URL, then can use crystal in south go hscene room
- 14: 死霊の洞窟再び --- need clear quest 09: 死霊の洞窟 --- quest npc is aged in middle of east town (no port one) --- go cave fight to URL get 10 item, if want fast clear better steal item from her
- 15: 洞窟の主…それは蒼い獣 --- need clear quest 14: 死霊の洞窟再び --- quest npc is soldier outside cave of east town (no port one) --- kill blue hair mob in deep of cave (B4 to B5 is random teleport)
- 16: 沈没船発掘 --- quest npc in SE port town, near SW --- find treasure in broken ship (can go from SE port town dock, 2nd choice), loot wood in B1 , B2 go there set clock time 45 > faster = 1st chocie (1 message find in ship is feel clock 15 min faster, another message make clock 1hrs slower), and better open 4 lamp for get treasure (2 mob near treasure will disappear, if dont open 4 lamp has nice mob waiting for u), use wood to stop water out of hole
- 17: 配達お願いしますⅢ --- need clear no. 11 quest 配達お願いしますⅡ and get no.24 非合法ホムンクルス組織 (for door open inside cave) --- quest npc is merchant in middle of NE port town --- give item to npc in north hill cave
- 18: 真なる金色 --- need clear no. 15 quest 洞窟の主…それは蒼い獣 --- npc in east town (no pork), talk to girl near cave entrance then go INN --- kill golden mob in deep of cave, random spawn
- 19: 求・ミルク5つ --- npc in SE port town, near inn --- get 5 milk from no.026 mob, mob can find in pyramid, need break mob clothes then steal item
- 20: 蟻の巣討伐 --- go ant cave kill quest
- 21: 転職の試練 --- need lvl over 20 --- talk to npc outside NW guild house, give him 2 iron stone
, grape (easy drop from no.004 mob) and URL (can combine in 1st town), then inside win fight change join (can learn more skill)
- 22: モロク領主の護衛 --- quest npc in SW town, dress as king --- after get quest kill few mob in desert
- 23: 高嶺の花売り --- quest npc in 1st town SW --- get 3 flower in north hill
- 24: 非合法ホムンクルス組織 --- quest npc is butler in castle --- go cave in north hill kill boss
- 25: 挑戦状 --- need kill a lot URL in west forest --- find rare spawn in west forest
- 26: 至高の蜜 --- need clear no. 23 quest 高嶺の花売り --- quest npc in SW town, middle house west side --- go north hill, use flower in torch will pop fairy, for fairy fight better get URL in last castle jail (combine from npc there), fairy rare drop sword too
- 27: オシリスの呪い --- quest npc is church sister --- maybe need find
then talk to her, get holy attack spell (18mp) then use this spell down her hp to 150 --- pyramid 4F outside find no.063 mob (not inside crystal room, if cant go up, go down deep click blue flame, also has weapon on corpse in blue flame area, this weapon + golden bar can change to sword in tower town blacksmith), after quest can find sister in home
- 28: カタコンツアーを救え! --- need give 2 different helm item (nurse or rabbit head, 3rd choice) to girl outside 1st town inn (if give helm drop from URL, can find her in home, then talk to her again in 1st town and start BF fight, undress her and win can add 1 more hscene in hscene room) --- quest npc in open area (click board in outside map) --- go last castle, if can move to sewer go NW stair
- 29: プロンテラ地下探索 --- need clear no. 20 quest 蟻の巣討伐 --- quest npc in NW of castle --- go deep fight to real ant queen
- 30: オナペットシステム --- need clear no.8 quest 青ジェム下さい and no.12 quest 追憶の水晶 --- quest npc in tower town's tower 2F --- buy house in NE port town --- after get this house can catch mob (catch item can buy there)
- 31: メイド募集 --- quest npc in tower town, woman outside inn --- if caught URL in last castle, talk to her
- 32: 呪いの妖刀 --- need get sword in last castle (entrance from west side has mob guard, go west up to 2F) --- quest npc in tower town blacksmith house
- 33: PVPコロシアム開幕 --- arena open in middle of map, last fight need clear モロク領主の護衛, then talk to npc dress as king get quest (need skill
[see invisible mob] for quest i think), after fight in bar, go jail has hscene and help girl port out, then she will come in last fight of arena, after arena fight get letter, can find her in home, if go bar in SW town can find letter, use it near URL has hscene
- 34: 森に眠る魔王 --- possibly need clear 33 quest, get magic book in last castle (entrance from west side has mob guard, go NE), then go north forest NE area URL fight hidden boss
4 Crystal :
- in north forest, follow path to northURL
- in pyramid 4F
- in cave inside tower town
- in cave inside east town (no port one)
8 Girl in home : (from left to right)
- After break 1 crystal, go 1st town NW guild house talk to (3rd choice) URL
- NE port town buy tacket (maybe need buy 1 more later), then go 1st town NW guild house B1 fight to girl in north, under 10 round win her
- See quest no. 27 オシリスの呪い
- If clear no. 21quest, in arena fight to girl (lvl 22), down her hp to helf (break clothes maybe ok) then GoR
- Collect 10 different sword, talk to blacksmith in 1st town URL, need all weapon set up 1 time
- after finish quest 23: 高嶺の花売り, and get bear toy in last castle left tower, talk to her (cancel key) can rape her, in rape better use skill URL (skill lvl 1 ok) untill get another effect URL, after 1 or 2 hit cast again, after fight give her bear toy, then can find her in home
- See quest no. 28: カタコンツアーを救え!
- See quest no. 33: PVPコロシアム開幕
Weapon :
about weapon (some can out from box but rare... some maybe wrong because i didnt memo this...)
the one find in pyramid corpse, weapon + golden bar can change to sword in tower town blacksmith --- 太陽剣
fairy rare drop --- グングニール
weapon for quest in last castle --- 村正
after 村正 quest, can buy weapon in tower town blacksmith if u cant find them --- フォーチュンソード, ゴールデンメイス, カトラス, 裏切り者, ミステルテイン
quest 18, mob 059 月夜花 possibly drop --- 月光剣
if mob collection over 70%, go SE lake URL can get --- エクスキューショナー
hidden boss can drop --- クレセントサイダー
mob can catch :
001 URL LUK +5, sometime add effect HP recover
002 URL DEX +5, sometime add effect VIT up
003 URL INT +5, sometime will cure posion
016 URL HP +50, sometime add effect MP rege +10%
015 URL SP +25, sometime will add buffs make feeler and catch attack not work
031 URL defence from CRI +10, sometime will add effect physice attack not work
022 URL VIT +5, sometime will add effect STR DEX and INT up
007 URL STR +5, sometime will add effect mob DEF down
014 URL AGI +5, sometime will add effect LUK and CRI up
021 URL FLEE +5, sometime will add effect AGI and FLEE up
027 URL CRI +5, sometime add effect normal attack change to holy
030 URL HIT +5, sometime add effect S skill damage down to helf
ROBF walkthrough credit : etigoya (Hongfire) ปล. มีฉบับภาษาไทยอยู่ด้านล่างครับ มีคนเอามาลงไว้
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