แก้ไขครั้งสุดท้ายโดย arttra157 เมื่อ 2013-12-14 16:06 
ก็เนื่องจากตัวเกมเป็นengอยู่แล้วจึงไม่ขออธิบาย ข้อมูลเบื้องต้นละกันนะ
วิธีต่อสู้ให้เราลากเป้าสีแดงๆเพื่อเล็งยิงศัตรู และกดปุ่มzเพื่อยิง

วิธีเก็บเงินในธนาคาร เพื่อที่เวลาเราแพ้เราจะไม่สูญเสียเงินที่มี

ตามรูปจะเป็นธนาคาร ตำแหน่งธนาคารจะอยู่ในแมพส่วนที่เราเริ่มต้นเกมเลย




สำหรับตำแหน่งเป้าหมายที่อยู่แต่ละคน จขกท.ขอไปเอาจากลิงค์นอกมาให้ก่อนไว้ว่างๆจะมานั่งแปลให้นะ

6,5,4 <<< จุดที่เราเกิดตอนเริ่มต้นเกมคือจุดที่1 แผนที่สามารถหาซื้อได้ในgeneral storeราคา500
Boss 1, red bandana: จากจุดเริ่มต้นให้มาทางซ้าย(ตามแมพคือตำแหน่งที่2) เข้าบ้านหลังที่2จะเจอ
Boss 2, Fat guy: West of there, district 3, use A to jump while moving, wait til night, then attack the bandit who is not moving near the center at the trees, leap over them and find him sleeping through the hole in the building.
Boss 3, Red Bandana 2: Wanders around district 7 at night.
Boss 4, Gogglesbeard: District 9, enter the pub, traverse the maze, talk to him then go west from where you talked to him and down the ladder, when outside take the next ladder down, you find he has escaped using his tunnel, push the box just below the grate up over the grate then repeat; He will be stranded outside down the first ladder.
Boss 5, Bluemohawk: Get maid outfit, go to District 4 during noon and work as a maid via talking to the girl at the front entrance, then going in the side entrance and talk to the manager, enter the big dining room. After talk to the southern row of girls, the one to the far left feels like she is being stalked, go straight to her house in district 9 near to the metal fencing and wait until morning, she will now be home from work and u can enter, talk to her then hug the southern wall to investigate the window and snipe blue guy down.
Boss 6, 1st yellowpants: Go to the church in the early morning, no fight if wearing nun outfit.
Boss 7, 2nd yellowpants: District 8 wandering around at night, but may take a few nights wait to find him, also no fight if wearing nun outfit.
Boss 8, Demglasses: Go to district 6 ruins, in the northeast quarter of this district is a ladder going down into an underground maze, keep going til u find a bandit standing still whom you can talk to, beat him then beat boss by shooting first.
Boss 9, Oldman Pink: Have the bunny outfit sold by one of the general stores, get a casino pass by paying 3 million to the homeless man wandering around in district 9 (I moneyhacked with artmoney, not hard, value u want is double your money +1) enter the casino. Equip the bunny outfit and go through the northwest door for a simple fight.
Boss 10, Payday Pink: Also in the casino, exactly the same as boss 8, but go down southeast through the shooting range while wearing the bunny outfit, the clerk will think you are an employee and ask you to cover for her while she goes on a break. Keep heading down and fight the 3 henchmen to unlock the doors to final boss. CAUTION HARD FIGHT- guy has lots of health, armor, and damage, bring MANY healing items.